SCRAPETOOL is an effort to engage readers in a critique of information from our past, present and future environments. It is a tool to disassemble our surroundings and interact with what is known but hidden.

Direct inquiries to:

4505 University Way N.E., #91
Seattle, WA 98105
FAX (206)-545-7207

To order:

For the premier issue of SCRAPETOOL, send $1.00.
For SCRAPETOOL, the game, send $2.00.
For the SCRAPEWEAR T-shirt, EXERCISE FIVE, send $12.00.
For The Future of Scrapetool Issue, send $2.00.

Payment can be sent to the above address in cash or
check payable to Carolyn Leith. All prices reflect shipping.

This site was created by Robert D. Rice/The Digital Garage
Viewed times since 1/17/96